Health Systems
The 340B Drug Pricing Program has had a profound impact on health systems, pharmacies and patients. Safety net facilities received discounts to promote patient access on outpatient medications that were once unaffordable. The biopharmaceutical industry funds the 340B Drug Discount Pricing Program. Nowadays, some manufacturers have been pushing back with the discounts leading to litigations by health systems and Attorney Generals.
Ambulatory Clinics
Ambulatory Clinics provide room for Clinical Pharmacists to work on the top of their licenses while maintaining their scope of practice. Make sure to ask about Collaborative Practice Agreements (CPA) and state governed Collaborative Drug Therapy Management (CDTM) requirements from our consultants.
ACO/Population Health Management
Since the ratification of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Accountable Care Organizations and population health management have been on the forefront of major academic medical centers. The risk sharing and responsibilities demand health systems to take care of patients both during inpatient stays and ambulatory clinics, and while home.
Antimicrobial Stewardship
Anti-microbials can bankrupt pharmacies if not managed with both a clinical and business perspective. The additional high-cost and new agents must be performed with precision and taking into consideration reimbursement by health systems.
Drug Diversion Assessment
Performing an internal gap analysis on controlled substance transactions within your health system is pivotal for readiness for audits.
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Implementation
EPIC and Cerner are two of the most widely used EMR systems at academic medical centers in the US. Find out why by speaking to a consultant.
JCAHO Mock Audit
JCAHO and DNV audits include Medication Management and controlled substances are a key part of these inspections.
Pharmacy Construction
Many of the hospitals within the US have dated pharmacy departments that are 3 to 5 decades old. Find the right expertise to rebuild your pharmacy for decades to come with the right technology and workflow.
Automation Implementation
Pharmacy has been disrupted with technology. Most of the monotonous tasks performed by hospital technicians have been substituted with machinery. This automation can perform the work with accuracy and precision. Many vendors exist in the industry and feel free to talk to our consultants for more information.
Sterile Compounding
USP 797 and USP 800 requirements are changing, and your management team/ staff should be ready for those changes. Make sure you are following the most up-to-date requirements by regulatory bodies. Even if you are using a Segregated Compounding Area (SCA), there is more to learn from our consultants.
Pharmacy Financials Evaluation
Budgeting a pharmacy was not taught in Pharmacy School. Reach out to the experts in pharmacy budgeting using consultant’s expertise in business and clinicals.
Specialty Pharmacy Implementation
Specialty Pharmacy implementation within health systems has been a trend setter for the past decade. Utilizing 340B discounts and existing patients, health systems can provide continuity of care and build a new revenue stream. Ask our consultants about implementing Specialty Pharmacy today.